tailieunhanh - 2English pronunciation made simple part 12

Tham khảo tài liệu '2english pronunciation made simple part 12', ngoại ngữ, ngữ pháp tiếng anh phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả | 1 Spelled ar er or are sugar after color nature dollar paper actor picture collar father flavor feature regular farmer doctor failure grammar silver razor measure The major spellings of a are ar er and or when the sound occurs in the middle or at the ends of words. sugar advertise summer colorful doctor EXERCISE B SI Listen and repeat the following phrases and sentences. Pay attention to the boldfaced words that include the afl sound. Remember that syllables with the sound ad are unstressed and should be pronounced with much less force than other syllables in the same word. 1. sooner or later 2. Measure the sugar. 3. better late than never 4. Water the flowers. 5. Consider the offer. 6. The actor was better than ever. 7. Was the afternoon paper delivered 8. The razor is sharper than the scissors. 9. Summer is warmer than winter. 10. A wonderful picture is showing at the theater. CHECK YOURSELF yj Read the words aloud. Circle the words that are pronounced with ad. For answers see Appendix H page 280. EXAMPLE acre shirt I 1. return supper purple 2. enter curtain dirty 3. third backward inform 4. nurse soldier pleasure 5. silver weather Saturday Lesson 14 65 More Practice EXERCISE aU Read aloud the paragraph about Mother Goose. Remember not to stress the a J sound. Mother Goose Mother Goose was supposed to be an older lady who told popular rhymes to younger children. Printers and publishers put together these familiar rhymes. Some were finger plays such as Tinker tailor soldier j sailor rich man poor man beggar man thief Many remember such favorites as Little Jack Homer sat in a comer eating his Christmas pie. The king of Englands steward was called Jack Homer. He was a messenger who may have delivered a Christmas pie with hidden papers baked inside. Whether or not we believe these colorful tales we know that nursery rhymes are wonderful LESSON REVIEW t AND f Practice EXERCISE ft Listen and words in the three columns contain both the and an- sounds. The .