tailieunhanh - Critical Care Obstetrics part 76

Critical Care Obstetrics part 76 provides expert clinical guidance throughout on how you can maximize the chances of your patient and her baby surviving trauma. In this stimulating text, internationally recognized experts guide you through the most challenging situations you as an obstetrician are likely to face, enabling you to skillfully:Recognize conditions early-on which might prove life threatening, Implement immediate life-saving treatments in emergency situations, Maximize the survival prospects of both the mother and her fetus | Index Page numbers in italics represent figures those in bold represent tables. abdominal trauma blunt 493-5 494 495 penetrating 495-6 ACE inhibitors pre-eclampsia 445 acetaminophen overdose 524 527 528-30 antidotes 526 fetal neonatal considerations 529-30 half-life 528 lethal dosage 528 management 530 maternal considerations 528-9 529 metabolism 528 teratogenicity 530 toxicology 528 acetylcholinesterase inhibitors 735 acid-base balance cardiopulmonary bypass 203 fetal 611-12 pregnancy adaptations 43 54-5 55 acid-base disorders 54-5 55 62-6 acidosis see acidosis alkalosis see alkalosis approach to 59-60 60 graphic nomogram 59 59 acid-base homeostasis 53-4 acidemia 54 acidosis 54 metabolic 55 62-4 63 respiratory 55 65-6 65 activated charcoal 525-6 527 acute abdomen 358-63 adnexal torsion 363 appendicitis 359-61 359 360 bowel obstruction 362-3 cholecystitis 361-2 diagnostic imaging 359 359 laparoscopy 358-9 acute fatty liver of pregnancy 380-1 382 385-9 clinical presentation 386-7 386 387 388 diagnosis 387-8 and DIC 402-3 epidemiology 385 pathogenesis 385-6 386 supportive care 388-9 treatment 388 acute lung injury respiratory distress syndrome 338-45 burns patients 511-12 clinical presentation and pathophysiology 338-40 339 339 definitions 338 epidemiology 338 etiology 340-2 340 fetal monitoring 342-4 corticosteroids 344 fluid management 343 inhaled nitric oxide 343-4 mechanical ventilation 342-3 prone positioning 343 prognosis 344-5 surfactant therapy 344 acute respiratory distress syndrome septic shock 584 ADAMTS-13 thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura 408-12 409-11 412 adenosine fetal effects 629 adnexal masses 708-9 adnexal torsion 363 ADP 286 adrenal crisis 434 adrenal glands pregnancy adaptations 46 agitation 689-94 management 690-2 691 pregnant and postpartum patients 692 air embolism 157 241 airway chest trauma 497 obstruction 97 pregnancy adaptations 41 resuscitation 97-9 98 airway pressure release ventilation 133 134 albumin 70 71 72-3 indications 72 side .