tailieunhanh - Design Creativity 2010 part 24

Design Creativity 2010 part 24. What is ‘design creativity’? It is impossible to answer this question without considering why human beings can – and do – ‘design’. Design creativity is instrumental in not only addressing social problems faced across the world, but also evoking an innate appreciation for beauty and a sense of personal contentment. | Research Methodology for the Internal Observation of Design Thinking through the Creative Self-formation Process 219 F-4 sentences which were neither labelled as s nor k but were newly written by the designer. F-5 sentences which originally had a meaning that differed from s - and k -labelled sentences and had been rewritten in order to be added to Report F by the designer. It is important to mention that the structure of Report F was better than that of the previous report. An example of Report F is shown below. Report F A designer wanted to express the texture of clay and he thought the clay s most important texture was not obvious but he thought it was instability. 5 Results of the Experiment We applied this method to a practical experiment a space-designing project. A male designer who had eight years of experience and was entering a spacedesigning contest participated in the practical experiment. For the role of the external observer we recruited a female art researcher with an impressive career background. The total duration of the experiment was 24 months 17 months for the first stage design practice 3 months for the second stage report writing and 4 months for the third stage analysis . In the first stage the designer provided many sketches and photographs Figure 4 . He noted rough ideas about the work and his conceptions as they developed. Fortunately he had already the habit of recording the date on each sketch. Further he regularly maintained a diary. Thus all the relevant information was stored as a record of the entire design practice. The record was arranged along the timeline. He also maintained portfolios which provided detailed information about the work. In the second stage the designer and the external observer wrote each report separately after looking at the record prepared in the first stage of the experiment. Finally in the third stage the designer analysed the reports and wrote the second report. Before we present the results of the .