tailieunhanh - Cách format máy tính

VI TÍNH > KINH NGHIỆM Thứ bảy, 23/4/2005, 07:00 GMT+7 E-mail Cách format và cài lại Windows XP (7) Chao cac anh. Em la Hai hien dang hoc cao hoc o DH Adelaide - South Australia. Em da doc bai viet ve "Mot so kinh nghiem voi window XP" | So 4 la truong hop neu minh xai Windows XP File System : NTFS thi nen chon so 4, vi he NTFS khong co chon so 3 de Delete duoc neu Delete chua duoc thi nhan nut Esc de lam lai, hoac va khi Delete tat ca Partion trong Hard driver roi nut nut Esc de tro ve va cho so 1 de tao Partion moi. Sau khi tao Partition xong se co chu hien len la Create primary Dos Partition Verifying drve integrity 100 % comlete Do you Wish to Use the maximum available size for a primary Dos Partition and the Parttiion active.(Y/N ) ? Neu minh muon chia Hard Driver ra lam 2 Partitions C va D thi nhan nut N. sau do no se hien len so Mbytes cua Hard Driver : Vi du nhu Hard driver 20 G thi no se hien len la 19571 roi lay so do' chia lam 2 la 9785 minh se sua lai so la 9785 xong roi Enter Chu y neu 2 Partition hien len 50% la dung , con khong thi phai chia lai Neu minh muon chi xai 1 partition khong chia ra thi nhan nut Y Partition thi nhat la Primary Dos. (se nam o C ) Partition thi nhi la Extended Dos ( se nam o D ) trong Partition neu muon chia ra lam 2 nua la Logical Dos ( se nam o F ) Do la xong phan Delete Partion cung nhu cach chia Partion Sau khi chia xong thi tat tat cai Compter de tien hanh Format Cach Format Hard Driver : De Start Disk vao Floppy Driver roi de may tu cho tu dong so 1 1. Start computer with CD Rom support khi may hien de A:\> thi go lenh Format c: /s roi nhan nut Enter nhan nut Y Vi du : A:>\Format c: /s Enter Y Enter xong roi tat mat Computer roi tien hanh Format D lam cung giong nhu C Vidu A:>\Format d: /s cho may chay de 100% la xong moi lan Format Nhu vay co the tien hanh cai Windows XP duoc roi Cach cai Windows XP De dia CD Windows XP vao CD Rom noi mo may len may se tu dong Boot CD va theo nhung Option do' ma lam theo. Neu may khong Boot CD Windows XP thi vao Bios set up lai muon vao Bios thi khi mo may len thi minh nhan giu key Delete may se run to Bios set up 1 st Boot Device : CDROM ( Windows XP ) 2nd Boot Device : Floppy ( Dia A ) 3rd Boot Device IDE-0 ( Hard Disk ) khi chon thi nhan nut dau + de chon dung theo Option tren xong roi Save to CMOS and EXIT ( Y/N) Y Chuc ban vui ve co gang doc tu tu de lam cho dung tho chi dan nhat dinh ban se lam duoc de co nhieu kinh nghiem trong lan sau cung nhu trong tuong lai.