tailieunhanh - Practice Templates Photoshop part 4

Home About Advertise Affiliates Contribute Resources Subscribe Tutorials HowtoCreateYourOwnBrushes | Photoshop Tutorials How to CreateYour Own Brushes This tutorial about how to create your own brushes and set up individual settings for it. First of all find some appropriate image to create the brush from it. I prefer to use this one. Actually you can use different pictures for brushes if you want. So open the image and go to Image Adjustments Desaturate to make it black-and-white. Then create a new brush with Edit Define Brush Preset enter the brush name for example Flower_1 and press Ok to save it then it will show up in your brushes. Create a new document sized 1000x500 pixels with all the default settings RGB 72 dpi white background etc in the future for this tutorial we will create a couple of new documents with the same presets to demonstrate brush presets . Select the Brush Tool and find our created brush in brush palette So your prints should look as mine It is simply method to create brush. Also we can make brush edges softer. For this go back to and clear background with Eraser Tool. Now we have something like this Then go to Edit Define Brush Preset again and save this brush as Flower_2. Create a new one document and make new brush prints