tailieunhanh - PHP Object Oriented Solutions

The book you’re holding in your hand (or reading on the screen) owes its genesis to a tongue-in-cheek exchange with Steve Fleischer of Flying Tiger Web Design (www. ), who suggested I should write Powers Object-Oriented PHP. Actually, he phrased it rather differently. If you take the initial letters of the suggested title, you’ll get the drift . . . But Steve had an important point: he felt that books on object-oriented programming (OOP) frequently assumed too much prior knowledge or weren’t easily adaptable to PHP in a practical way. If you like what you find in this book, thank Steve for planting the idea in my. | DUD r nr Object-Oriented Solutions Understand basic OOP concepts such as inheritance encapsulation and polymorphism. Extend core PHP classes. Design and create your own classes for PHP 5 and 6. PHP Object-Oriented Solutions David Powers an Apress .