tailieunhanh - Alternative designs and methods for customer satisfaction measurement
The purpose of this paper is to help customer survey process stakeholders understand some of the inherent tradeoffs of alternative survey methods. The scope addresses factors including size of the customer population, strengths and weaknesses of alternate. | ALTERNATIVE DESIGNS AND METHODS FOR CUSTOMER SATISFACTION MEASUREMENT Jeff T. Israel Chief Satisfaction Officer SatisFaction Strategies, LLC Portland, OR 97229 SUMMARY The purpose of this paper is to help customer survey process stakeholders understand some of the inherent tradeoffs of alternative survey methods. The scope addresses factors including size of the customer population, strengths and weaknesses of alternate methods, survey response rates and resource constraints. When taken with the information needs of the organization, these factors converge to suggest appropriate survey methods and designs that will facilitate an effective customer satisfaction measurement (CSM) process. KEY WORDS Customer Satisfaction Measurement (CSM), research design, survey methods, response rates INTRODUCTION Research design and survey method selection comprise an important part of creating an effective CSM process. In addition to understanding the purpose and objectives for CSM (Israel, 2000), we can create a more effective CSM process by understanding the differences (tradeoffs and implications) between alternative research designs and survey methods. In CSM design, there is no standard “one-size fits all” approach. However, we can choose a method well suited to a particular situation and an approach that ensures value exceeds costs of the feedback system. The principle focus of this paper is on survey method selection given specific resource and customer population considerations. Topics such as identifying customer requirements and integrating them into CSM questionnaires are also key research design elements, but are only addressed briefly here. More information on these elements is available from other sources (Vavra, 2002; Israel, 2000; ASQ Quality Management Division, 1999, 235-246; Israel, 1994; and Israel, 1992). RESEARCH DESIGN ELEMENTS The phrase research design refers to all aspects of translating customer survey requirements and objectives into the process to be .
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