tailieunhanh - ORACLE8i- P29

ORACLE8i- P29: We want information information.” Possibly you recognize these words as the primary interest of a somewhat clandestine group, and as told by a character called Number 2 to Patrick McGoohan’s character Number 6 (in the old TV show The Prisoner). Indeed, in this day, information is king, and the speedy, accurate, and reliable retrieval of this information is paramount. | JAVA SECURITY 1123 Java Security In Oracle security is provided only through the use of database roles. In Oracle JServer security is based on Java 2 security which allows developers to assign privileges on a class-by-class basis. The Java-related roles in still exist in for backward compatibility however Oracle recommends that you specify each permission explicitly rather than use the roles. In the script creates two roles named JAVAUSERPRIV and JAVASYSPRIV. The privileges for each role are described here. JAVAUSERPRIV privileges Open a TCP IP socket Read or write from a file using UTL_FILE_DIR JAVASYSPRIV privileges Includes all the privileges associated with JAVAUSERPRIV Create a subprocess Listen on a specific network port Set the socket factory Set the stream handler Read or write from any file In Java 2 security you create security policies or permissions for each specific class. Within Oracle8i you specify the policy through the DBMS_JAVA package and the security policy is stored within the policy table. This is a new table within the database that exclusively manages Java 2 security permissions. You can grant or revoke permissions dynamically by using PL SQL through DBMS_JAVA procedures or by using Java through the class . The following two views have been added in Oracle to view the policy table. Both views contain information about granted and restricted permissions. DBA_JAVA_POLICY Allows you to see all rows within the policy table. USER_JAVA_POLICY Only allows you to see permissions relevant to the current user. PART IV Oracle8i Distributed Database NOTE Refer to the Java Developer s Guide for more information on Java security. Please purchase PDF Split-Mlewoft to removetthiSi watermark. 1124 CHAPTER 27 ORACLE8i AND THE INTERNET Additional Internet Features Before we end our discussion it s worth mentioning few words about Oracle iFS and XML. .