tailieunhanh - 501 xentence completion questions part 21

As you practice sentence completions, you may discover signal words and phrases—clues that help you choose the correct answer. Here are common signal words and an example for each kind of question. | Chapter 15 351. Teachers should not only be knowledgeable but also students should feel comfortable approaching them with questions or problems. a. wheedling b. patronizing c. laconic d. affable e. frugal 352. The pain medication Kristy received after surgery offered relief however the overwhelming feeling of was an unexpected side effect and she didn t like being groggy. a. extortion b. compellation c. acquisition d. affirmation e. lethargy 127 501 Sentence Completion Questions 353. The ski lodge had a window that looked out upon a beautiful mountain. a. vista b. melee c. fray d. foray e. frieze 354. The palace s great hall was rich in history and splendor the walls hung with tapestries. a. mellifluous b. malleable c. prudent d. illusive e. ornate 355. After weeks of heavy rains the earth gave way mud and trees down the mountain swallowing cars and houses in their path. a. ascended b. inculcated c. aspersed d. hurtled e. entreated 356. The butter had been left in the refrigerator for years. a. complacent b. scandalous c. riveting d. dire e. rancid 357. Several weeks of extremely hot dry weather the land so instead of rowing across a river we walked across a cracked parched riverbed. a. oscillated b. desiccated c. subverted d. coalesced e. thwarted 128 501 Sentence Completion Questions 358. The pitcher s workout regimen was the most grueling of all his teammates and he never took a day off. a. Spartan b. spasmodic c. exclusive d. turgid e. truculent 359. Ethan s responses when he spoke on the telephone were and he nearly always made his customers think he was rude. a. receptive b. laconic c. uncanny d. suave e. ponderous 360. I was bored with the conversation of my roommates and longed for some intellectual stimulation. a. egregious b. pronounced c. vapid d. intriguing e. exonerating 361. Ned s fear was as he watched the 60-foot waves approach his little boat. a. futile b. genteel c. innovative d. palpable e. detrimental 362. Moving swiftly and gracefully through .