tailieunhanh - Nano and Microelectromechanical Systems P5

In this section, the following variables and symbols are used: uas , ubs and ucs are the phase voltages in the stator windings as, bs and cs; uqs , uds and uos are the quadrature-, direct-, and zero-axis components of stator voltages; ias , ibs and ics are the phase currents in the stator windings as, bs and cs; iqs , ids and ios are the quadrature-, direct-, and zero-axis components of stator currents; ψ as , ψ bs and ψ cs are the stator flux linkages; ψ qs , ψ ds and ψ os are the quadrature-, direct-, and zero-axis components of stator flux linkages;. | . INDUCTION MOTORS In this section the following variables and symbols are used uas ubs and ucs are the phase voltages in the stator windings as bs and cs u uds and uos are the quadrature- direct- and zero-axis components of stator voltages ias ibs and ics are the phase currents in the stator windings as bs and cs iqs ids and ios are the quadrature- direct- and zero-axis components of stator currents yas ybs and ycs are the stator flux linkages yqs yds and yos are the quadrature- direct- and zero-axis components of stator flux linkages uar ubr and ucr are the voltages in the rotor windings ar br and cr uqr udr and uor are the quadrature- direct- and zero-axis components of rotor voltages iar ibr and icr are the currents in the rotor windings ar br and cr iqr idr and ior are the quadrature- direct- and zero-axis components of rotor currents yar ybr and ycr are the rotor flux linkages yqr Wdr and yor are the quadrature- direct- and zero-axis components of rotor flux linkages Or and wrm are the electrical and mechanical angular velocities 6 r and 0 rm are the electrical and mechanical angular displacements Te is the electromagnetic torque developed by the motor Tl is the load torque applied rs and rr are the resistances of the stator and rotor windings Lss and Lrr are the self-inductances of the stator and rotor windings Lms is the stator magnetizing inductance Lls and Llr are the stator and rotor leakage inductances Ns and Nr are the number of turns of the stator and rotor windings P is the number of poles Bm is the viscous friction coefficient J is the equivalent moment of inertia w and 0 are the angular velocity and displacement of the reference frame. 2001 by CRC Press LLC . Two-Phase Induction Motors Two-phase induction motors shown in Figure have two stator and Figure . Two-phase symmetrical induction motor To develop a mathematical model of two-phase induction motors we model the stator and rotor circuitry dynamics. As the control and state .