tailieunhanh - Financial Management training for client

Process of planning and controlling financial resources to achieve optimum economic and financial benefits from an main elements of financial management system are: . Planning and budgeting . Internal control . Accounting system . Financial reporting . Auditing | Table of Content I- What is Financial Management? II- Why we need a good Financial Management system? III- World Bank Policies and Guidelines on Project Financial Management IV- When we should perform Financial Management activities? V- How to strengthen Financial Management practices? VI- Recent changes to Project Financial Management procedures VII-Financial Monitoring Reports (FMRs) I- What is Financial Management? Process of planning and controlling financial resources to achieve optimum economic and financial benefits from an investment. The main elements of financial management system are: Planning and budgeting Internal control Accounting system Financial reporting Auditing II- Why we need a good Financial Management system? Provides the comfort needed by the lenders, borrower country and donor community. Provides information to manage project and monitor project progress. Reduces an eliminates frauds and corruptions in project. III- World Bank Policies and . | Table of Content I- What is Financial Management? II- Why we need a good Financial Management system? III- World Bank Policies and Guidelines on Project Financial Management IV- When we should perform Financial Management activities? V- How to strengthen Financial Management practices? VI- Recent changes to Project Financial Management procedures VII-Financial Monitoring Reports (FMRs) I- What is Financial Management? Process of planning and controlling financial resources to achieve optimum economic and financial benefits from an investment. The main elements of financial management system are: Planning and budgeting Internal control Accounting system Financial reporting Auditing II- Why we need a good Financial Management system? Provides the comfort needed by the lenders, borrower country and donor community. Provides information to manage project and monitor project progress. Reduces an eliminates frauds and corruptions in project. III- World Bank Policies and Guidelines on Project Financial Management - Article Iii, (B), of the Bank’s Articles of Agreement: The Bank should make arrangements to ensure that borrowers use loan Proceeds: Only for the purpose intended With due attention to economy and efficiency III- World Bank Policies and Guidelines on Project Financial Management (con’t) - Policies and Guidelines to facilitate compliance with , (B): Operational Policy (OP ) Bank Procedures (BP ) Guidelines FARAH LACI Implementation Handbook The Project Financial Management Manual Guidelines on Assessment of Financial Management Arrangement in Bank projects Guidelines on Assessing and Designing accounting system and Accounting software. Financial Monitoring Reports-Guidelines to Borrowers Others III- World Bank Policies and Guidelines on Project Financial Management (con’t) - OP Authoritaive source of the Bank’s project financial management requirements Describe the minimum FM requirements for .