This is a useful goal planning template so you can make easily a plan to archive your goals | Company Name Goal Planning Template Employee Information Employee Name:       Employee ID:       Job Title:       Department:       Manager:       Date:       Review Period:       to       Instructions Goals should always be: S – Specific M – Measurable A – Achievable R – Realistic T – Time Bound 1. Goal/Objective. Briefly describe each goal/objective and when the goal/objective should be met or accomplished. 2. Measurement. How will the goal/objective be evaluated? (Use quantitative measures such as % or dollar increase in revenue or market share and/or use qualitative measures which are descriptive of criteria.) 3. Importance. Rank the goal as Essential, Important, or Desirable as follows: Essential – required for job performance Important – helpful for job performance Desirable – asset for job performance 1st Goal/Objective Description:                 Measurement:                 Importance: ☐ Essential ☐ Important ☐ Desirable 2nd Goal/Objective Description:                 Measurement:                 Importance: ☐ Essential ☐ Important ☐ Desirable 3rd Goal/Objective Description:                 Measurement:                 Importance: ☐ Essential ☐ Important ☐ Desirable 4th Goal/Objective Description:                 Measurement:                 Importance: ☐ Essential ☐ Important ☐ Desirable