tailieunhanh - 8 kinds of writing share book part 5

Tiếng Anh là rất quan trọng. Chúng ta học tiếng Anh để đi du lịch, làm việc hoặc đi ra nước ngoài. Trong học tập tiếng anh, kỹ năng viết cũng rất quan trọng. Nếu chúng ta viết tiếng anh một cách chính xác thì người đọc dễ dàng để hiểu. | Name__ Date__ Writing Prompts Chapter 5 Observational Writing After the Rain Writing Situation AM One of the best times to be outdoors is right after a rainstorm. It seems that the longer the rain lasts the better the period after the rain is. The air . smells fresh birds are singing life seems to renew itself. - J Directions for Writing Write an essay for your English teacher that describes the period of time right after a rainstorm. Your teacher will be looking for details. You will be expected to show the scene from several different views. You should include all the senses that are involved in appreciating the scene after a rainstorm. Prompt Notes For this paper work on long and close views of the scene being observed. Emphasize the different senses involved in observation. Work on details. Similes are good to use here. Try to share some insight in this essay. 1993 2001 J. Weston Walch Publisher 57 8 Kindi of Writing Name Writing Prompts Date Chapter 5 Observational Writing Move Over I Win Writing Situation You and your friends often compare video games. You have just found a game that is so great you want to tell the world about it. You pour out all the details to your friends and get excited all over again. Now you want to write about the game to tell more people about it. You do this at your first opportunity. Directions for Writing Write an article for your school newspaper about a time when you were in the zone while playing a video or computer game. You will want to convey the excitement of this triumph in your writing. Write about every great move you made during this game. Show all the characters in the game and explain their function. Show how you defeated the villains. Remember to reveal your feelings as you moved through the game. Don t forget to check your grammar and spelling. Write at least five paragraphs. Prompt Notes Being in the zone means that things that are normally hard for you .