tailieunhanh - How to Do Business in 12 Asian Countries 27

How to Do Business in 12 Asian Countries 27. What will you need to know in 2010 or 2020 to work in Asia? As Hans Koehler pointed out in his Preface, we live in changing times. In this century China and India are changing the economic balance of the world. But many of the cultural tenets presented in Kiss, Bow, or Shake Hands: Asia took hundreds or thousands of years to develop. These stable precepts help us understand why people behave differently around the world, and they will help you to avoid global marketing faux pas | Appendix F 215 Unit Metric Equivalent . Equivalent span centimeters 9 inches stere 1 meter3 95 yards3 tablespoon 76 milliliters 3 teaspoons teaspoon 922 milliliters 333 tablespoons ton long or deadweight 1 kilograms 2 240 pounds avoirdupois ton metric 1 000 kilograms 2 pounds avoirdupois ton register 684 7 meters3 100 feet3 ton short 74 kilograms 2 000 pounds avoirdupois township . 572 kilometers2 36 miles2 statute yard 4 meters 3 feet yard2 127 36 meters2 9 feet2 yard3 554 86 meters3 27 feet3 yard3 857 984 liters gallons Appendix G International Electrical Adaptors This data is excerpted from a publication of the . Department of Commerce. The electricity used in much of the world 220-250 volts is a different voltage from that used in North America 110-125 volts . Electrical appliances designed for North America may need converters to step down this higher voltage to the level required to operate. Some appliances cannot be converted for use elsewhere because they require sixty cycles per second again found primarily in North America or they may have other requirements. Electrical wall sockets found around the world are also likely to differ in shape from the sockets used in North America. Electrical adaptor plugs are available to slip over the plugs of North American appliances for use in such sockets. The following table and illustrations will inform you about the types of plugs you may encounter in various Asian and Pacific countries. Type of Plug by Country Country Plug Type Country Plug Type Bangladesh A C D Malaysia G Burma C D F Nepal C D Brunei G Pakistan B C D China Peoples Rep. of C D G H Philippines A B C Fiji I Singapore B H Hong Kong H Sri Lanka D India C D G Tahiti A Indonesia C E F Taiwan A B Japan A B I Thailand A B C D E G J K Korea C Western Samoa H Laos A B C E F 216 Appendix G 217 Plugs in Commercial Use Type A Flat blade attachment