tailieunhanh - Corporate Reputations, Branding and People Management 25

Corporate Reputations, Branding and People Management 25. This book is essential reading for CEOs, marketing and HR practitioners who are serious about making a valued contribution to the success of their organization. This book outlines the future scope and contribution of human resources to business strategy. It is one of the first serious studies of the corporate landscape and is very well researched and practical. I hope you get as much out of this book as I have. | 224 Corporate Reputations Branding and People Management which hasbeen thesubjectof ourlastsection. Thenext chapter takes up this issue of localization and embeddedness in more detail. References Barrow S. and Mosley R. 2005 The Employer Brand bringingthe best ofbrand management to people at work. London Wiley. Beer M Eisenstat R. A. and Spector B. 1990 Why change programs don t producechange TiawwerfBusinessRevien 68 6 158-166. Belanger J. Berggren C. Bioikm ni T. uidKolilcr C. l999 L i local worldimde ABBand thechallengesofglobal management. Idiaca NY CornellUnivercityPrrss. Boxall P. and caooeh . 0aaooC Ce aB . and Eumanrettoursr management. London Oalgrave Macmillan. Cappelli P. 1999 Thenew deal et warkimanaging the market-driven workfow. B e ron MA Harvard Bggine s Schooi Press. Cascio W. 20051 HRM end dovmsizing in R. J. Burke and C. L. Cooper edn inventing HRM rho ec g o and new sHm--tions. . Conyon M. f. a 06 ggeeutivh conqiensalion end mchnti e . Academy of Man me P giws BV. 2Vnl H Davenport T. H. 2005R . fornliving how to get better performance nce recultz from nggledge eooikd i. Boctoo MA. Harcard Business SchoeL0ross. Dawson P. roorS Underotanging organizntioned eloonge Tie c otempLrary experience of jnsLpk et work. Deephouse D. L. and . a005 An examination of differences between og tiizaliBtiaHo liBeo of ManagemenLVLndioo Economist 2oooShkauttrial nelain . siz ia n gee lH oernecoming . . . edition 29 SepOemBfe. Gratton L. 2 B 0 Thndgmeeoattn mtorprisn Ubm ruabosmtrswti1 freedom flexibility and eimeaitmenr London Times. d aoBlice Hall. Greenwald B. urlK dm J. 2005a Competitiondemystiflied aradiiuilly simplified apfmaio-li tt bueinots strate NtwYork Porliolio PcBgiim. Greenwald B. and Kahn J. 2005b All strategy is local Harvard Businers R iet Sept-Oct 94-107. Chapter 6 HR strategy and the employment relationship 225 .