tailieunhanh - Corporate Reputations, Branding and People Management 21

Corporate Reputations, Branding and People Management 21. This book is essential reading for CEOs, marketing and HR practitioners who are serious about making a valued contribution to the success of their organization. This book outlines the future scope and contribution of human resources to business strategy. It is one of the first serious studies of the corporate landscape and is very well researched and practical. I hope you get as much out of this book as I have. | 184 Corporate Reputations Branding and People Management mmibersthroughtheapplicatioa ofioformaOonand communications technology ICT . Low level call centre staff are one example mid- to locnuk lcd HR specialists are aeeehec ytven the adcances of ICT in e-HR. To help make senseofsome of the material on the importance of context in HRM let s finish off this chapter by looking at a case of dsvdsaily maea-emest pee of tde eOibboletPc d politically corrent Pevs practcceHRM. Box The Glass Ceiling diversity management best practice and best fit An Economist article in July 2005 reported an interestingconundrum. Despite yearsof effortbp compauies to develop diversity policies based on best HRpractice litOp had changed to torrs v- numbers --twornen in top manegevrentjoPf inFtrnuneSOOcontpanies 8 with only Chapter 5 Four lenses on HR strategy and the employment relationship 185 of CEOsbeing despitenearlyhalfofjobsintheUS economy being held down by women and women being as well edu-caied as ihew ifammeripansOB mKu by Ud ld iFB TlwErn ust 2005b . Th e problem is wen known and quire well understood following the W0 S fai7er s eoin no ef the tbrrn ehe Clasp Ceiling- in 1985ana a toim However it seems tkq srrnceiit numbers are low and nht geetag any bigger over time more and more pr addpesm the ipsae tarn complies rPat were otsk the bastions of m ledomittmnmi . IBM GE and BT paw makkm a bush ness ease 0kr diaesi . lOatdfKeGta l-i icsakmadip inerkqt rp diverse in termsofiaoies wiihwomdaand racialmipaei ties dkwmtag inereasingip taaptptant tionputttrrs. Suh taeopated dlffarbntletion on the outside so the arpuntent goep hqs to bk matched by eqiOwilknt Gif-fcremiatioa op ths imine. Moreovks gionn the aer tor spteiefi .apaos zations nee to tlepredfeshu poioatihlpohl bk tadildtttgaf many diverse grouprarpdrslbie. There is 0 00 star korna GoGh Asnarieon company proarammes are .