tailieunhanh - E-Human Resource Management 8

E-Human Resource Management 8. This book is presented in four sections — the first intended to be more general in nature, the following three devoted to specific aspects of the HRM field in the new information era. Section I, The Cutting-Edge in HRM, presents an overview of how ITCs are modifying general HRM processes and functions. This is the aim of the first three contributions. | Integrating Handheld Computer Technology 49 In Figures 5 6 and 7 are the mean across Delphi groups of the final set of rankings by occupational group before the consensus round. As shown in Figure 5 the overall ranking trend across occupation groups was similar across applications but there were group differences. The differences were largest for the applications that were found to be of great importance to one occupational group and of low importance to another group . patient data entry to medics and pharmacists . Figure 5. Final round mean ratings by occupation medical functions Physician Pharmacist A Nurse X Medic G Total Copyright 2005 Idea Group Inc. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of Idea Group Inc. is prohibited. 50 Davies Calderón Table 3. Final ranking of the priorities for 10 personal information management PIM applications Personal Information Management Functions All Participants Rank of Mean Application Mean Rank 1 Calendar storing appointments 2 Storing addresses phone numbers 3 Number calculation 4 Writing notes data 5 Keeping a to do list 6 Reading writing e-mail 7 Alarm function 8 Accessing notes data 9 Storing voice recordings 10 Entertainment In Table 3 are the mean rankings made by the groups for the most important PIM application types on the handhelds. The rankings also supported the results from the application usage data and from the logbook results. There were also differences evident across occupational groups in the Delphi rankings for the most important PIM applications as shown in Figure 6. The differences in group ratings were similar to those found for the medical applications. In Table 4 are the mean rankings for the most important areas for change on the handhelds. This information was not collected in the application usage data but it does mirror what was found in the earlier focus groups. The differences in mean occupational group ratings .