tailieunhanh - Flash After Effects- P6

Flash After Effects- P6: Flash Designers: Take your projects to the next level with After Effects’ robust toolset. You are about to take a journey that combines these two powerhouse applications. Enter the world of Adobe After Effects. Welcome aboard. | Exercise 2 Creating Bezier and Text Shapes There are two types of shape paths parametric shape paths and Bezier shape cancreatea BeziershapepathusingthePen tool. You have used thePentool tomask out unwantedareason withthe Pettoolin tOeCompWinhow with no automatlcallycteatnsostapehoonnwSeopthayon. 1. Createa newproject. Se le ctComposition New Composition. Enter Bezier as the Composition Name. Select NTSC D1 from the Preset popup menu. Set the durationto 0 0n oOe . 2. Seleptthdnaytoy l3fromten . Go tothe CnmpWiadnwand creareadcziar shape can be anything that you want. Close the path whde newShnppeayerit addet ta td eTlmelinh. Setehe FSl andStsoke colons jutSlikeyou PidintOc fiftShcetclne. Figure Use the Pen tool to create a Bezier shape in the Comp Window. 3. In the Timeline twirl open Shape 1 to display the shape s attributes. This free-formslhape do eenoT containallofthe parametricpropertiesthat theprevious shacesead f i ajecl . 4. You canolsoereatestiapnttromSext tiUto the Type tool to oteato anew teat tayenWith toetayesltighl htod select Layer Create Outdaeo . n sl P ortlitns toreonO enatacted Td enowOe nae Lcye rit crented aO too tos oftoe Ocger stenking nawlayetconOainsoeeshcpe groupfoacaeL so iectedcharadat cIus til godtttakopropLrtlettoatmatch thoseoftoo teat PFigure . SHAPE Figure Shape Layers can also be created from text layers in After Effects. 236 Chapter 9 Shapes and Sounds -I. Exercise 3 Animating Shapes and Path Operations Now that you have experimented with the Shape Layers and have a basic understandingoftheir screateananimationusingthem. In this exercise youwill also apply pathope rationsto aSha ration s offerdistortioneffectssuch asPutker O eioat ZiaOag anda o aato-animatingWigglePaths. poet. .