tailieunhanh - The Insects - Outline of Entomology 3th Edition - Glossary

GLOSSARY Each scientific and technical field has a particular vocabulary: entomology is no exception. This is not an attempt by entomologists to restrict access to their science. It results from the need for precision in communication, whilst avoiding, for example, misplaced anthropocentric terms derived from human anatomy. | TID01 5 20 04 4 39 PM Page 445 GLOSSARY Each scientific and technical field has a particular vocabulary entomology is no exception. This is not an attempt by entomologists to restrict access to their science. It results from the need for precision in communication whilst avoiding for example misplaced anthropocentric terms derived from human anatomy. Many terms are derived from Latin or Greek when competence in these languages was a prerequisite for scholarship including in the natural sciences these terms were comprehensible to the educated whatever their mother tongue. The utility of these terms remains although fluency in the languages from which they are derived does not. In this glossary we have tried to define the terms we use in a straightforward manner to complement the definitions used on first mention in the main body of the book. Comprehensive glossaries of entomological terms are provided by Torre-Bueno 1989 and Gordh Headrick 2001 . Bold within the text of an entry indicates a relevant cross-reference to another headword. The following abbreviations are used adj. adjective dim. diminutive n. noun pl. plural sing. singular Am. American spelling. abdomen The third posterior major division tagma of an insect body. acanthae Fine unicellular cuticular extensions Fig. . accessory gland s A gland subsidiary to a major one more specifically a gland opening into the genital chamber Figs. b . accessory pulsatile organs Valved pumps aiding the circulation of hemolymph usually lying close to the dorsal vessel. acclimation Physiological changes to a changed environment especially temperature that allow tolerance of more extreme conditions than prior to acclimation. acrotergite The anterior part of a secondary segment sometimes large then called postnotum often reduced Fig. . acrotrophic ovariole See telotrophic ovariole. activation in embryology The commencement of embryonic development within the egg. aculeate Belonging to the aculeate .