tailieunhanh - Corporate Reputations, Branding and People Management 6

Corporate Reputations, Branding and People Management 6. This book is essential reading for CEOs, marketing and HR practitioners who are serious about making a valued contribution to the success of their organization. This book outlines the future scope and contribution of human resources to business strategy. It is one of the first serious studies of the corporate landscape and is very well researched and practical. I hope you get as much out of this book as I have. | 34 Corporate Reputations Branding and People Management understanding jFi i lin 5 g sl i i n HRandmarketing in the brand management and reputation building processes see also Sparrow a ttk 2004 . Naturally enough ghten their backgrounds education akdimertuet. keaAuterkhaeebeen roodat using the language of branding and coe-munieations oa shed new light oareopieetktiaoeireno and OaatproUucdk practical tools eor loathing HR prufasciokole or a ctr laeguake aO branding p people tna tumo proHetetc Hodgypc thee have said little ahout-hecomolehaaouritohompihkaeldtidiafi-cation witi konaOr am orgaiuiwtoni hor hoa a- a genera-level and ukuullg na hl htc eesdPpta tipmokri hefiBbadP less disciphaao diet acre oeenOeia- oanataOi eat natuk akd communications sometimes fail to deal with the realities or causes of nmch o0orgaoitattonat hfe. such ki dymcta ke uparhg0y employee animeon kta ouattara anise hnetUlaal produc-s and pracdc tdihurr htd-ogn geIaond tUeeampetiogpra-fessional idaaiiues ok many Onowledea kers that hout Me connestioneah-ad tancnig iOtrtkof nrrporareneal So for HR oaofeseioniet Ura rising ara- - cftpoeateuglr marks a watooohedoM u neU oaporttluityto a - oorpor-ate as well as 10 1 001 Hgweael- it also brings Ugtafh cant challangyt tor khe ruto of the HR fah -te at eh au aha capability oUHR r rokercionob to aoup0 tnnmselens om leaO and delivak people ooratesa tUat lUhUer- cnhpoeote i opata tions and brand CSR and good governance. References Aaker D. A. 2004 Leveraging the corporate brand California ManagemmtReview 46 3 6-18. Albert S. and Whetten D. 1985 Organizational identity in L. L. Cummrngs an d B. M. Slaw -kocO I ereerch -n hng le zc -g o e behaviour 7. Oiwtaiwith GliJAII rcss pp. 263-295. Alessandri ik W1 asd nscaitlri T. 2004 Promoting onk prokaci-ing corporate id hllilr1lllc hepoetanserfue nizationaland industrial cznieiot Corpomte -ftn uiaCon .ZC í -ze7 ap2-2c8. Bakan J. iil0k Ths cmporotuci the o hi lor cal miaf f orrn t. New York Free area. Balmer J. T.