tailieunhanh - Hiring and Keeping the Best People 11

Hiring and Keeping the Best People 11. This book explains the essentials of what managers and business owners need to know about hiring and retaining good employees. | Keep ingtheBest 67 FIGURE 3-2 The Aging Work Force 50 40 j Projected Median Age in . 20 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 Source HMM Retaining Valued Employees. Cultural Expectations People s expectations about workalso strongly influence retention patterns. In some countries for example employees often spend their entire lifetime working for one firm. Employees their colle agues and companies consider one another almostasfamilyand g ve each other the same dedteanon cotmmttnem and support that one would give family members. Incontrast theculturesof other countries emphasize fast-movSng and eontiounC change including rapid job-hopping by worOeri sg search of the beso goisible combi nation of work compensation egd countries employment law- perticntrrSy inFraooe Gem-eny anf Italy make it difficult totoeorldy off workeifwfilo inothet re gions companies can frecle Igt employees go. As you might guess a yompanc i retention goels miglit be moor o o less challenging depending on the cuitural Cactosg that thegd Ise re gion s or industry s cmplonmcn-trenfs. Upheavalsin tgwCWridoe 00gek Finally changing economirand eflhrlroto-gcumsConcetoenproOucc d ramatic upheavals in the eresosca eewgxampldt 68 Hiringan dKeepingtheBestPeople A trend toward free agency. Free agents self-employed workers who serve various clients on a temporary contract basis now make up 15 percent of the American work force. The dissolving employer employee thewaveof engineering and restrucmrmgthnt Wr many pansof the business world in the 1970s and 1980s and again in the 2000-2002 business downturn-someeotnpantesdownplaued the importance of the work force. As a result old assumptions about employer paternalismaydemployaeldyartyhvydoratesl. Today most workers assumesyatsyeymusstakecharge ygtheir own employability and careurs evnnifthat meansmovmg from firm to firm. In the UnitedStates hoye mostyrg pSe will hold different jobs betwnen lyragysyflSnnn hh. . Au