tailieunhanh - InDesign CS5 Bible- P20

InDesign CS5 Bible- P20: InDesign is a powerful tool that serves as the standard program for professional layout and design. The latest version boasts a variety of updates and enhancements. Packed with real-world examples and written by industry expert Galen Gruman, this in-depth resource clearly explains how InDesign CS5 allows for better typography and transparency features, speedier performance, and more user control than any other layout program. | Index Close command 125 Color panel 35 224-226 Close Library command 187 Color pop-up menus 79 80 162 707 739 closed paths color prepress creating 403 color management system defined 392 applying profiles to images 666-667 editing 409-412 changing document color settings 667-668 stroke and fill added 393 color output settings adjustment 663-666 CMS. See color management system defining color models 662 CMYK 208 209 842 described 658-660 codes for text search and replace 477 managing color during output 668 Collapse Multiple Links to Same Source 350 on-screen display adjustment 661-663 color bars 705 proofing on-screen 668-669 Color blending mode 302 saving preferences 668 Color Burn blending mode 301 setting up 660-661 Color Conversion pop-up menu 732 color trapping color display settings 663 applying to pages 675 Color Dodge blending mode 301 defined 670 color gamut 208 knockout and overprinting 671-672 Color Handling pop-up menu 711 methods 670-671 color labels 153 specifying presets 672-674 Color Labels menu 176 InDesign features for 657 Color Management pane Print dialog box 711-712 color separations 208 713-716 color management panels 35 Color Settings dialog box 659 663 Color Management Policies 663-664 color space 208 color management settings 102 color swatches color management system CMS defaults 105 applying profiles to images 666-667 deleting 233 changing document color settings 667-668 duplicating 233 color output settings adjustment 663-666 editing 233 defining color models 662 importing 226 described 658-660 managing 233 importing graphics 367 merging 233 managing color during output 668 mixing 222-224 on-screen display adjustment 661-663 Swatch Libraries folder 62 proofing on-screen 668-669 color trapping saving preferences 668 applying to pages 675 setting up 660-661 defined 670 color matching 658 knockout and overprinting 671-672 Color Mode pop-up menu 211 methods 670-671 color models specifying presets 672-674 defined 208 color wheel 211 defining