tailieunhanh - Constituent Structure - Part 24

Constituent Structure - Part 24 | 140 CONTROVERSIES 10 a I wrote on NP the big pad of paper not NP one . b I wrote on this N big pad of paper not that N one . c I wrote on the big N pad of paper not the small N one . d 4I wrote on the big N pad of sketch paper not the big N one of newsprint. If these operations do indeed target only N rather than say a vaguer notion of node or constituent then this would be evidence against Speas s proposal. She observes however that a more careful probing of the data shows that the apparent X limiting character of these replacement rules is actually epiphenomenal. Building upon some observations of Travis 1984 she shows that ungrammatical forms such as iod follow from case and theta theories and that the rules of replacement are more liberal than they first appear. Do-so replacement fails to apply exactly in the environments where a Case needs to be assigned to the complement 11 a I bought a car and Andrew did so a truck. b I ate at the restaurant and Andrew did so at the museum. Travis and Speas claim that do so is a pro-verb that lacks theta and Case-assigning properties. This explains why it cannot replace a V in contexts where there is a complement because complements typically require a theta role and or Case. A similar analysis can be given to one-replacement. Consider the contrast in 12 taken from Speas 1990 41 . 12 a the student of chemistry and the one of physics b the picture of Julia and the one of Suzanne Speas argues that the of in 12a is a case marker but the one in 12b is a full preposition. This contrast can be further exemplified by the fact that of-phrases like those in 12b can follow the verb to be 13b but the one in 12a cannot 13a . The of in 13b parallels the behavior of other full predicative prepositions which can all follow to be. As such these PPs do not get a theta role they are predicates and do not need independent Case licensing they get their case from the preposition . By contrast the of-PP in 13a can not function predicatively .