tailieunhanh - Queueing mạng lưới và chuỗi Markov P2

Markov Chains MARKOV PROCESSES Markov processes provide very flexible, powerful, and efficient means for the description and analysis of dynamic (computer) system properties. Performance and dependability measures can be easily derived. Moreover, Markov processes constitute the fundamental theory underlying the concept of queueing systems. In fact, the notation of queueing systems has been viewed sometimes as a high-level specification technique for (a sub-class of) Markov processes. | Queueing Networks and Markov Chains Gunter Botch Stefan Greiner Hermann de Meer Kishor S. Trivedi Copyright 1998 John Wiley Sons Inc. Print ISBN 0-471-19366-6 Online ISBN 0-471-20058-1 o J fsj Markov Chains MARKOV PROCESSES Markov processes provide very flexible powerful and efficient means for the description and analysis of dynamic computer system properties. Performance and dependability measures can be easily derived. Moreover Markov processes constitute the fundamental theory underlying the concept of queueing systems. In fact the notation of queueing systems has been viewed sometimes as a high-level specification technique for a sub-class of Markov processes. Each queueing system can in principle be mapped onto an instance of a Markov process and then mathematically evaluated in terms of this process. But besides highlighting the computational relation between Markov processes and queueing systems it is worthwhile pointing out also that fundamental properties of queueing systems are commonly proved in terms of the underlying Markov processes. This type of use of Markov processes is also possible even when queueing systems exhibit properties such as non-exponential distributions that cannot be represented directly by discrete-state Markov models. Markovizing methods such as embedding techniques or supplementary variables can be used in such cases. Here Markov processes serve as a mere theoretical framework to prove the correctness of computational methods applied directly to the analysis of queueing systems. For the sake of efficiency an explicit creation of the Markov process is preferably avoided. Stochastic and Markov Processes There exist many textbooks like those from King King90 Trivedi Triv82 Allen Alle90 Gross and Harris GrHa85 Cinlar Cinl75 Feller his two volume classic Fell68 and Howard Howa71 that provide excellent intro- 35 36 MARKOV CHAINS ductions into the basics of stochastic and Markov processes. Besides the theoretical background .