tailieunhanh - Nấm phổi Cryptococus ở bệnh nhân có hệ miễn dịch bình thường được chẩn đoán phân biệt với bệnh lao phổi: Báo cáo ca bệnh tại Bệnh viện Phổi Trung ương năm 2023

Bài viết này nhằm mục đích báo cáo chi tiết một trường hợp nấm phổi Cryptococcus ở người khỏe mạnh, được chẩn đoán dựa trên sinh thiết phổi dưới hướng dẫn cắt lớp vi tính và mô bệnh học. Các ca bệnh đóng góp vào dữ liệu khoa học và chia sẻ kinh nghiệm về quá trình chẩn đoán và điều trị. | Vietnam Journal of Community Medicine Vol. 65 Special Issue 3 165-170 CHUYÊN ĐỀ BỆNH NHIỄM TRÙNG PULMONARY CRYPTOCOCCOSIS IN A IMMUNOCOMPETENT PATIENT DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS FROM PULMONARY TUBERCULOSIS CASE REPORT IN NATIONAL LUNG HOSPITAL IN 2023 Nguyen Ngoc Truong Thi Hoang Thuy Nguyen Thi Van Anh National Lung Hospital - 463 Hoang Hoa Tham Vinh Phuc Ba Dinh Hanoi Vietnam Received 23 02 2024 Revised 11 03 2024 Accepted 30 03 2024 ABSTRACT Introduction Pulmonary cryptococcosis PC describes an invasive lung mycosis caused by Cryptococcus neoformans or Cryptococcus gattii complex. PC is a very rare form of pneumonia which is seldom seen among immunocompetent patients and may be misdiagnosed as pulmonary tuberculosis leading to a delay in therapy. Objective This article aims to report in detail a case of PC in a healthy person diagnosed based on CT-guided lung biopsy and histopathology. Cases contribute to scientific data and share experiences about the diagnostic and treatment process. Case report A 53-year-old female healthy subject was admitted to Hightech on-demand treatment center of National Lung Hospital because of cough and shortness of breath for 20 days. This patient had the complaints of irritating productive cough chest tightness and a broad-spectrum antibiotic treatment was ineffective. Although the AFB sputum test was positive a CT-guided lung biopsy was performed to and PC was diagnosed. Patient was treated by intravenous fluconazole for two weeks. The patient s follow-up was performed and we have seen the patient recovered and doing well. Discussion Discuss clinical imaging features differential diagnosis with pulmonary tuberculosis and the role of biopsy and histopathology. Emphasize the importance of accurate diagnosis and monitoring of treatment response Conclusion Summarizing the insights from the case report and discussion the conclusion emphasizes the importance of accurate diagnosis and effective treatment strategies for PC. Further research .