tailieunhanh - Book grammar for IELTS part 9

Tham khảo tài liệu 'book grammar for ielts part 9', ngoại ngữ, toefl - ielts - toeic phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả | B Grammar Modal verbs can could may might must will would shall should ought to need are auxiliary verbs that give information about ability possibility or necessity. Modal verbs are followed by the infinitive without to and their form doesn t change He could speak French and Italian not He coulds speak Could you speak French before you lived there not Did you could speak 1 Ability We use the following verbs to talk about ability Present can can t be able to manage to I can t swim. Past could couldn t be able to manage to They weren t able to find out his name. Perfect be able to manage to Have you managed to finish the report yet Future be able to manage to I won t be able to meet you later. It is more common to use can could to talk about general ability in the present and past than be able to Can you remember much about it Are you able to remember He could speak French and Italian but he couldn t remember his name. To talk about ability on one specific occasion in the past we use couldn t was n t were n t able to but not could The police were able to find out that he could speak French and Italian not The police could find out He couldn t remember who he was. We sometimes use manage to to show that something is difficult to achieve I ve finally managed to give up smoking after all these years We use be able to or manage to with perfect or future forms Apparently he s been able to find his family. Within a year he ll probably be able to remember quite a lot. not Within a year he can probably-remember quite a lot. 2 Other uses of can We use can to mean sometimes People can do funny things when they ve experienced something terrible. people sometimes do funny things We also use can to ask for and give permission Can I borrow the car this afternoon You can borrow it but I need it later this evening. 108 Modals 1 3 Possibility We use must may might could couldn t and can t when there is some evidence information or belief that something is probably or possibly true .