tailieunhanh - Tỷ lệ nhiễm khuẩn vết mổ khi sử dụng kháng sinh dự phòng Cefoxitin trong mổ lấy thai tại Bệnh viện Trung ương Thái Nguyên năm 2022

Bài viết "Tỷ lệ nhiễm khuẩn vết mổ khi sử dụng kháng sinh dự phòng Cefoxitin trong mổ lấy thai tại Bệnh viện Trung ương Thái Nguyên năm 2022" mô tả đặc điểm lâm sàng, cận lâm sàng của sản phụ phẫu thuật lấy thai sử dụng kháng sinh dự phòng tại Bệnh viện Trung ương Thái Nguyên năm 2022. | Vietnam Journal of Community Medicine Vol. 65 Special Issue 2 202-209 INSTITUTE OF COMMUNITY HEALTH THE RATE OF WOUND INFECTION AFTER THE USE OF ANTIBIOTIC PROPHYLAXIS IN CESAREAN SECTION AT THAI NGUYEN GENERAL HOSPITAL IN 2022 Nguyen Thi Anh1 Vu Van Hiep1 Ngo Toan Anh2 Doan Thi Hue1 1 Thai Nguyen University Medicine and Phacmacy - 284 Luong Ngoc Quyen Quang Trung Thai Nguyen City Thai Nguyen Vietnam 2 National Hospital of Obstetrics and Gynecology - 43 Trang Thi Hang Bong Hoan Kiem Hanoi Vietnam Received 02 02 2024 Revised 28 02 2024 Accepted 18 03 2024 ABSTRACT Objectives This study aimed to describe clinical and sub-clinical characteristics of C-section patients after using of antibiotic prophylaxis at Thai Nguyen General Hospital in 2022. Materials and methods A cross-sectional descriptive study with 184 caesarean section patients was randomly selected from July 1 2022 to December 31 2022. Results The average age is years old the was in the age group 35 years old. Most women give birth for the second or third time accounting for a high rate of and . The majority of pregnant women with a history of cesarean section had a cesarean section at . Most women give birth for the second or third time accounting for a high rate of and . A previous C-section was the most frequent indication at . Most surgery times were from 30-60 minutes . There were 2 cases of patients with fever after surgery with temperatures ranging from C were . There were of cases with good uterine involution. All pregnant women in the study had normal post-operative lochia. The rate of dry incisions was incision swelling and pain was and incisions with dressing seepage was . There were 05 cases of hospitalization for 7 days or more was . There were 03 cases of superficial surgical wound infection accounting for and of cases had no surgical wound infection. Conclusion Using minimal doses of prophylactic