tailieunhanh - 3420 TOEIC Vocabulary meanings by Word part 21

Tham khảo tài liệu '3420 toeic vocabulary meanings by word part 21', ngoại ngữ, ngữ pháp tiếng anh phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả | TOEIC Vocabulary Meaning by Word Test 183 Answers Index Q1 n. statistics a suggestion proposal of a price tender bid b organization and interpretation of numerical data c supplies necessary items tools instruments or other objects for completing a task d possibility ability capability of being Q2 n. consultancy a skill talent aptitude capacity power b the practice of giving expert advice within a particular field c friend member of an academic organization suitor d collective enterprise group endeavor collaboration Q3 n. examiner a elasticity cheerfulness quality of quickly recovering from sadness or failure buoyancy b adequate amount sufficient degree c connection attachment d person who gives a test Q4 n. retirement a number with a fixed value factor b shelves used to store printed items c withdrawal from one s job or occupation d person who is native to or resides in a particular area Q5 n. law a rule enacted by a community or country custom principle convention b person who favors political and social reform c permit official permission authorization document which shows proof of authorization certificate d connection attachment Q6 n. workshop a type sort class group of things which are classed together because of their similarities b seminar brief intensive educational program discussion group c something interesting or amusing fun hospitality d commercial and market information that indicates overall economic trends Q7 n. nominee a person who has been appointed candidate b meal nourishment material supplied act of inserting into a machine especially of putting paper into a printer c instructor director escort leader manual handbook d foundation principal element fundamental part Q8 adj. small a flawless complete undamaged b little few in number trivial unimportant modest c content self-satisfied comfortable smug d in a manner which shuts out all others solely in a limited manner Q9 adj. irrelevant a beside the point unconnected impertinent immaterial b .