tailieunhanh - 3420 TOEIC Vocabulary meanings by Word part 20

Tham khảo tài liệu '3420 toeic vocabulary meanings by word part 20', ngoại ngữ, ngữ pháp tiếng anh phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả | TOEIC Vocabulary Meaning by Word Test 173 Answers Index Q1 v. encroach a to negotiate to arrive at an agreement b to supervise to manage to inspect c to advance beyond proper limits to infringe d to convert an object or image into a digital image using an optical device to browse Q2 n. news a abstract summary concise report instructions b security warranty pledge assurance c meeting seminar convention d report of recent events information about previously unknown facts Q3 v. name a to decorate to beautify b to go on to keep doing something to last to perpetuate c to join to cause to become one d to appoint to specify to identify to designate Q4 adj. lasting a avoiding tending to shrink elusive b alike having common qualities comparable c competent talented apt d continuing enduring remaining for a long time durable Q5 adv. regardless a quickly fast swiftly b previously before a certain time c without consideration for possible problems anyway in any case d methodically in an organized fashion Q6 v. browse a to leaf through a book to surf Internet websites b to throw away to get rid of c to arrange papers methodically for preservation and reference to submit in a formal way d to present in a condensed form to list the main points in a brief and comprehensive manner Q7 v. license a to subdue to solve b to grant a permit to authorize to permit to allow c to charge to announce to advertise d to attach to connect to unite to combine to become a member Q8 v. incur a to meet with to bring upon oneself to acquire b to cause to remember c to transmit document electronically d to try to to assay Q9 n. stress a emphasis importance accent strain tension pressure b one who activates worker of a telephone switchboard operation symbol c rule command supervision restraint d stupid person substance unmixed with other substances commoner Q10 adj. simple a in favor of reform supporting a progressive philosophy tolerant open-minded b opposite of expensive inexpensive c easy .