tailieunhanh - 3420 TOEIC Vocabulary meanings by Word part 6

Being prepared is the first step to researching and writing a good paper Applying for a library card or Internet password early allows you to visit and use all kinds of libraries and institutions without having to wait for entry. | TOEIC Vocabulary Meaning by Word Test 33 Answers Index Q1 adj. enough a ambitious industrious hard-working b sufficient adequate c characteristic of a capital city sophisticated d one of two Q2 adj. bothersome a intimate for or pertaining to a small group of people personal of an individual b annoying irritating c difficult complicated rigid stiff d continual Q3 adj. professional a obligated certain fastened tied b fast immediate prompt smart c arbitrary fickle flexible d of a skilled occupation working in one of the skilled occupations Q4 adj. moral a ethical virtuous righteous principled having integrity b not standard not ordinary c averting avoiding delaying inhibiting d unbelievable inconceivable fabulous great amazing Q5 adj. sufficient a clear exact precise quick b defective imperfect cracked c enough adequate d fulfilling many functions multi-purpose skilled to do many things Q6 adj. priceless a motivating stimulating encouraging provoking inhaling b concentrated focused determined resolute purposeful c invaluable beyond any expressible value very expensive d floating light lively cheerful Q7 adj. due a pertaining to the world and nature around us b leaving sailing traveling to another country c owed payable right fitting suitable adequate d final occurring as a result Q8 adj. effective a clear obvious apparent b productive in operation impressive striking c classified confidential clandestine covert hidden latent d reliable trustworthy dependable Q9 adj. second a earlier antecedent former b next after the first alternate other additional subordinate having a lower rank c free autonomous sovereign self-reliant self-sufficient d using numbers with numbers Q10 adj. ready a delicate thin flimsy handsome top-quality excellent b prepared set eager willing quick fast c produced made manufactured d close at hand 51 PHOTOCOPIABLE TOEIC Vocabulary Meaning by Word Test 34 Answers Index Q1 n. cycle a getting rid of arranging b series of stories .