tailieunhanh - IT-Programing Help part 105

Tham khảo tài liệu 'it-programing help part 105', công nghệ thông tin, kỹ thuật lập trình phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả | GUIEventOptions Change special event behavior or GUI function return values. 0 default Windows behavior on click on Minimize Restore Maximize Resize. 1 suppress windows behavior on minimize restore or maximize click button or window resize. Just sends the notification. MouseClickDelay Alters the length of the brief pause in between mouse clicks. Time in milliseconds to pause default 10 . MouseClickDownDelay Alters the length a click is held down before release. Time in milliseconds to pause default 10 . MouseClickDragDelay Alters the length of the brief pause at the start and end of a mouse drag operation. Time in milliseconds to pause default 250 . MouseCoordMode Sets the way coords are used in the mouse functions either absolute coords or coords relative to the current active window 0 relative coords to the active window 1 absolute screen coordinates default 2 relative coords to the client area of the active window MustDeclareVars If this option is used then all variables must be predeclared with Dim Local or Global before they can be used - removes the chance for misspelled variables causing bugs. 1 Variables must be pre-declared 0 Variables don t need to be pre-declared default OnExitFunc Sets the name of the function called when AutoIt exits default is OnAutoItExit . PixelCoordMode Sets the way coords are used in the pixel functions either absolute coords or coords relative to the window defined by hwnd default active window 0 relative coords to the defined window 1 absolute screen coordinates default 2 relative coords to the client area of the defined window SendAttachMode Specifies if AutoIt attaches input threads when using Send function. When not attaching default mode 0 detecting the state of capslock scrolllock and numlock can be unreliable under NT4. However when you specify attach mode 1 the Send . down up syntax will not work and there may be problems with sending keys to hung windows. ControlSend ALWAYS attaches and is not affected by this mode. 0 .

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