If your score is lower than you would like it to be, you may want to devote a little more than twenty minutes to practice each day in order to acquire some necessary research skills. Either way, the amount of time you devote to this book and these lessons will be time well spent. | --- ADDING FOOTNOTES ENDNOTES You should also use this format if you are citing a source that you have already used and the citations are not consecutive. The word Ibid should only be used when you are referring to the same source twice in a row. Citing Electronic Sources In this age of readily available computer information it is very likely that you have done a great deal of your research on your computer. Since this phenomenon is relatively new in terms of style procedures and precedents you might be wondering how to cite electronic material. Electronic information usually falls into several broad categories 1. articles posted and written for the Web by specific authors 2. online journals and magazines 3. material gathered from general and specific databases and search engines 4. informal or anonymous listings posted on the Internet in chat rooms or bulletin boards. To cite an electronic document when there is no author provided simply begin with the title. If there is more than one such document alphabetize each piece according to its title. Similarly if you have consulted a specific website or several websites list them alphabetically but be sure to include their precise and complete addresses. When writing your bibliography and or footnotes use the following format AND PARENTHETICAL CITATIONS --------------- 1. the author s name followed by a period 2. the name of the article in quotation marks followed by a period 3. the name of the web site underline the site name followed by a period 4. the date of its posting 5. the official web address be sure to include all backslashes brackets etc. Example A 1Sue Miller. Kennedy s Top Advisors. Government Issues. March 20 2000. Similarly to cite an article from an online journal or magazine simply provide 1. the author of the article first name followed by last name 2. the title of the article in quotation marks 3. the title of the journal underline the title 4. the volume or issue number 5. .