On the next page, you will find an answer sheet for the pretest. If you do not own this book, you can write the numbers 1-50 on a piece of blank paper and mark your answers there. | REVISING YOUR DRAFT 2. STRUCTURE AND WRITING STYLE Do your ideas and writing flow Are there smooth transitions from sentence to sentence paragraph to paragraph and from page to page Is your analysis easy to follow and understand 3. VOCABULARY AND TONE Is your tone professional Is the writing persuasive and compelling Are there any unnecessary words sentences paragraphs or pages that need to be omitted or rewritten 4. SEQUENCING Are the paragraphs and sections of your paper in the right order Are there places where information should be changed and shifted 5. MEANING AND CONTENT What is the overall effect or lasting impression of your work What do you want the reader to take away after reading your paper Steps toward Revision After you have gone through this initial checklist it becomes much easier to see which parts of your paper you have targeted and what areas specific pages paragraphs sentences or words really need work. The first and most important thing that you want to do is to arrange all your pages one after the other so that they make sense. If you need to cross out some material go ahead and draw great big X s through any pages paragraphs sentences and words that impede or interrupt the logical flow of your ideas. You next step is even easier. Use connecting and transitional phrases and words that you have learned to make sure that each paragraph is linked logically to the one above it and the one below it. If you have trouble connecting sentences or paragraphs reword them slightly and see if that helps. As far as vocabulary and tone are concerned use a red pen and take out or circle any conversational slang or colloquial words. If you need help thinking of more formal ways to express yourself consult a thesaurus or synonym dictionary. The next step sequencing is one of the most fun parts to correct in your paper. If you have printed out a draft of your paper take out a pair of scissors. If a paragraph seems out of place simply cut it out and tape it .