tailieunhanh - Fundamentals of digital logic with VHDL design

Fundamentals of Digital Logic With VHDL Design teaches the basic design techniques for logic circuits. It emphasizes the synthesis of circuits and explains how circuits are implemented in real chips. Fundamental concepts are illustrated by using small examples, which are easy to understand. Then, a modular approach is used to show how larger circuits are designed. VHDL is used to demonstrate how the basic building blocks and larger systems are defined in a hardware description language, producing designs that can be implemented with modern CAD tools | Copyrighted Material Fundamentals of Digital Logic with kl VHDL Design Second Edition Fundamentals of Digital Logic With VHDL Design teaches the basic design techniques for logic circuits. It emphasizes the synthesis of circuits and explains how circuits are implemented in real chips. Fundamental concepts are illustrated by using small examples which are easy to understand. Then a modular approach is used to show how larger circuits are designed. VHDL is used to demonstrate how the basic building blocks and larger systems are defined in a hardware description language producing designs that can be implemented with modern CAD tools. Use of VHDL is well integrated into the book to enable the student to quickly become involved in real designs. The book can be used with any CAD system for design and implementation of logic circuits. To make it easy for the user to obtain modern CAD tools the book includes a CD-ROM that contains Altera s Quartus II CAD software. This software provides automatic mapping of designs written in VHDL into Field Programmable Gate Arrays FPGAs and Complex Programmable Logic Devices CPLDs . The user will be able to Enter a design into the CAD system Compile the design into a selected device Simulate the functionality and timing of the resulting circuit Implement the designs in actual devices using the school s laboratory facilities . VHDL is a complex language so it is introduced gradually in the book. Each VHDL feature is presented as it becomes pertinent for the circuits being discussed. To teach the student to use the Quartus II software the book includes three tutorials. A discussion of the complete CAD flow is also .