In today's competitive environment, the age-old belief of many companies that "the customer is always right" has a new twist. In order to survive, companies are focusing their entire organization on customer satisfaction. The approach followed for ensuring customer satisfaction is known as Total Quality Management (TQM). | CHAPTER 19__ TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT IN MECHANICAL DESIGN B. S. Dhillon Department of Mechanical Engineering University of Ottawa Ottawa Ontario Canada INTRODUCTION 475 Taguchi s Quality Philosophy Summary and Kume s TQM IN GENERAL 476 Approach for Process Total 476 Improvement 480 Quality 476 Management 476 QUALITY TOOLS AND METHODS 480 DEMING S APPROACH TO Fishbone Diagram 480 TQM 477 Pareto Diagram 481 Kaizen Method 481 QUALITY IN THE DESIGN Force Field Analysis 481 PHASE 477 Customer Needs Mapping 482 Product Design Review 477 Method Process Design Review 478 Control Charts 482 Plans for Acquisition and Poka-Yoke Method 482 Process Control 479 Benchmarking 483 Guidelines for Improving Hoshin Planning Method 484 Design Quality 479 Gap Analysis Method 484 INTRODUCTION In today s competitive environment the age-old belief of many companies that the customer is always right has a new twist. In order to survive companies are focusing their entire organization on customer satisfaction. The approach followed for ensuring customer satisfaction is known as Total Quality Management TQM . The challenge is to manage so that the total and the quality are experienced in an effective Though modem quality control dates back to 1916 the real beginning of TQM can be considered the late 1940s when such figures as W. E. Deming J. M. Juran and A. V. Feigenbaum played an instrumental In subsequent years the TQM approach was more widely practiced in Japan than anywhere else. In 1951 the Japanese Union of Scientists and Engineers introduced a prize named after W. E. Deming for the organization that implemented the most successful quality policies. On similar lines in 1987 the U. S. government introduced the Malcolm Baldrige Award. Quality cannot be inspected out of a product it must be built in. The .