tailieunhanh - Ebook Hospice and palliative care for companion animals - Principles and practice (2/E): Part 2

Part 2 book "Hospice and palliative care for companion animals - Principles and practice" includes content: Pharmacology interventions for symptom management; physical medicine and rehabilitation for hospice and palliative care patients; integrative medicine in animal hospice and palliative care; nursing care for seriously iii animals - art and techniques; comfort care during active dying; euthanasia in animal end of life care; and other contents. | 193 16 Musculoskeletal Disorders Tamara Shearer MS DVM CCRP CVPP CVA MSTCVM Musculoskeletal disorders involve the The following are a few of the more common i nteraction between the body s muscles bones musculoskeletal problems seen in hospice and ligaments tendons fascia and joints. These palliative care patients. are common comorbidities seen in hospice and palliative care patients. They result in such profound disability that drastic decisions have to be made because of decline in quality of Osteoarthritis life. In 2011 musculoskeletal disorders were Description considered the second most common cause of death because of organ system change in adult Osteoarthritis OA is a common condition and juvenile dog patients according to a retro- seen in patients enrolled in hospice and pallia- spective study of over 75 000 dogs that died tive care. Like other diseases where pain is a at 27 North American veterinary teaching symptom the incidence of OA is probably h ospitals Fleming et al. 2011 . However in a under reported. It has been estimated that 20 pilot study Shearer and Marchitelli 2015 of dogs suffer from osteoarthritis Marcellin- musculoskeletal cause for euthanasia or death Little et al. 2014 . A study of 100 client- wned o in dogs moved from second as observed in the cats equal to or older than 6 years of age Flemming study to eighth in frequency for a found a 61 incidence of OA in one joint and a practice offering physical medicine. Cats also 48 incidence of OA in more than one joint struggle with musculoskeletal disorders that Slingerland et al. 2011 . Osteoarthritis is often can affect quality of life but documentation secondary in nature and may be the result of of incidence is more difficult because of the genetic predisposition past injury or overuse nature of their behaviors. developmental changes and inflammatory A special note when fragile patients present processes. Conditions like osteochondrosis dis- for investigation of musculoskeletal condi- .