tailieunhanh - Phân tích chi phí - hiệu quả của phác đồ sử dụng zoledronic acid trong điều trị bệnh nhân gãy xương có loãng xương

Nghiên cứu này thực hiện phân tích chi phí – hiệu quả của zoledronicacid kết hợp vitamin D và calci trên người bệnh gãy xương có loãng xương tại Việt Nam. Một mô hình Markov được thiết kế dựa trên khuyến cáo của CHEER 2022 | Nghiên cứu Dược amp Thông tin thuốc 2023 Tập 14 Số 3 trang 18-26 BÀI NGHIÊN CỨU Cost-effectiveness of zoledronic acid in adult patients with osteoporotic fracture in Vietnam Nguyen Thien Phong2 Pham Nu Hanh Van1 Hoang Minh Anh1 Đo Xuan Thang1 1 Hanoi University of Pharmacy 13-15 Le Thanh Tong Hoan Kiem Hanoi 2 Hanoi University of Public Health 1A Đuc Thang Dong Ngac Bac Tu Liem Hanoi Corresponding author Pham Nu Hanh Van email vanpnh@ ABSTRACT Osteoporosis is a silent disease that can increase fracture risk and affect patients quality of life substantially. While osteoporotic patients with a fracture had two-fold increased risk of major fracture access to anti-osteoporosis drugs in Vietnam was not permitted for those visiting orthopaedic surgery department or Nerve surgery department only. This study s objective was to assess the cost- effectiveness of treatment with zoledronic acid combined with vitamin D and calcium among patients with osteoporotic fracture in Viet Nam. The Markov model was designed following the recommendation of CHEER 2022. We found that the incremental cost effectiveness ratio was about 32 6 million and 49 6 million VND per QALY in patients aged 50 years and 60 years old which is considered highly cost effective compared to the willingness-to-pay threshold recommended for Vietnam. On other hand applying treatment at the age of 70 was only cost effective at 3 times of GDP with an ICER of 212 7 million per QALY. Drug cost discount rate and mortality reduction rate of zoledronic acid were the three most influential factors to ICER and the probabilistic sensitive analysis showed zoledronic acid had a probability to achieve cost-effectiveness at 94 89 at 1 GDP payment threshold. In conclusion zoledronic acid is a highly cost - effective medical intervention. Therefore expanding subsidy for zoledronic acid in osteoporosis patients with fractures who receive care at surgical departments may be considered. Keywords cost-e ectiveness .