tailieunhanh - Chapter 137. Gonococcal Infections (Part 4)

Gonococcal Infections in Females Gonococcal Cervicitis Mucopurulent cervicitis is the most common STI diagnosis in American women and may be caused by N. gonorrhoeae, C. trachomatis, and other organisms. Cervicitis may coexist with candidal or trichomonal vaginitis. N. gonorrhoeae primarily infects the columnar epithelium of the cervical os. Bartholin's glands occasionally become infected. Women infected with N. gonorrhoeae usually develop symptoms. However, the women who either remain asymptomatic or have only minor symptoms may delay in seeking medical attention. These minor symptoms may include scant vaginal discharge issuing from the inflamed cervix (without vaginitis or vaginosis per se) and dysuria (often. | Chapter 137. Gonococcal Infections Part 4 Gonococcal Infections in Females Gonococcal Cervicitis Mucopurulent cervicitis is the most common STI diagnosis in American women and may be caused by N. gonorrhoeae C. trachomatis and other organisms. Cervicitis may coexist with candidal or trichomonal vaginitis. N. gonorrhoeae primarily infects the columnar epithelium of the cervical os. Bartholin s glands occasionally become infected. Women infected with N. gonorrhoeae usually develop symptoms. However the women who either remain asymptomatic or have only minor symptoms may delay in seeking medical attention. These minor symptoms may include scant vaginal discharge issuing from the inflamed cervix without vaginitis or vaginosis per se and dysuria often without urgency or frequency that may be associated with gonococcal urethritis. Although the incubation period of gonorrhea is less well defined in women than in men symptoms usually develop within 10 days of infection and are more acute and intense than those of chlamydial cervicitis. The physical examination may reveal a mucopurulent discharge mucopus issuing from the cervical os. Because Gram s stain is not sensitive for the diagnosis of gonorrhea in women specimens should be submitted for culture or a nonculture assay see below . Edematous and friable cervical ectopy as well as endocervical bleeding induced by gentle swabbing are more often seen in chlamydial infection. Gonococcal infection may extend deep enough to produce dyspareunia and lower abdominal or back pain. In such cases it is imperative to consider a diagnosis of pelvic inflammatory disease PID and to administer treatment for that disease Chaps. 124 and 169 . N. gonorrhoeae may be recovered from the urethra and rectum of women with cervicitis but these are rarely the only infected sites. Urethritis in women may produce symptoms of internal dysuria which is often attributed to cystitis. Pyuria in the absence of bacteriuria seen on Gram s stain of unspun .