tailieunhanh - OCA: Oracle Database 11g Administrator Certified Associate Study Guide- P5

OCA: Oracle Database 11g Administrator Certified Associate Study Guide- P5: There is high demand for professionals in the information technology (IT) industry, and Oracle certifications are the hottest credential in the database world. You have made the right decision to pursue certification, because being Oracle Database 11g certified will give you a distinct advantage in this highly competitive market. | Using Other Single-Row Functions 131 TABLE Parameters in the USERENV Namespace continued Parameter Description BG_JOB_ID Returns the job ID that is DBA_JOBS if the session was created by a background process. Returns NULL if the session is a foreground session. See also FG_JOB_ID. CLIENT_IDENTIFIER Returns the client session identifier in the global context. It can be set with the DBMS_SESSION built-in package. CLIENT_INFO Returns the 64 bytes of user session information stored by DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO. CURRENT_BIND Returns bind variables for fine-grained auditing. CURRENT_SCHEMA Returns the current schema as set by ALTER SESSION SET CURRENT_SCHEMA or by default the login schema ID. CURRENT_SCHEMAID Returns the numeric ID for CURRENT_SCHEMA. CURRENT_SQL Returns the SQL that triggered fine-grained auditing use only within scope inside the event handler for fine-grained auditing . CURRENT_SQL_LENGTH Returns the length of the current SQL that triggered finegrained auditing. DB_DOMAIN Returns the contents of the DB_DOMAIN parameter. DB_NAME Returns the contents of the DB_NAME parameter. DB_UNIQUE_NAME Returns the contents of the DB_UNIQUE_NAME parameter. ENTRYID Returns the auditing entry identifier ENTERPRISE_IDENTITY Returns OID DN for enterprise users for local users NULL. FG_JOB_ID Returns the job ID of the current session if a foreground process created it. Returns NULL if the session is a background session. See also BG_JOB_ID. GLOBAL_CONTEXT_MEMORY Returns the number in the SGA by the globally accessible context. GLOBAL_UID Returns the global user ID from OID. HOST Returns the hostname of the machine from where the client connected. This is not the same terminal in V SESSION. 132 Chapter 2 Using Single-Row Functions TABLE Parameters in the USERENV Namespace continued Parameter Description IDENTIFICATION_TYPE Returns how the user is set to authenticate in the database LOCAL EXTERNAL or GLOBAL. INSTANCE Returns the instance .