tailieunhanh - Lựa chọn thời vụ cho giống lúa nếp cẩm Khẩu Xiên Păn tại huyện Bảo Lâm, tỉnh Cao Bằng

Bài viết "Lựa chọn thời vụ cho giống lúa nếp cẩm Khẩu Xiên Păn tại huyện Bảo Lâm, tỉnh Cao Bằng" trình bày kết quả nghiên cứu xác định thời vụ gieo cấy thích hợp nhằm nâng cao năng suất của giống lúa nếp cẩm Khẩu Xiên Păn tại huyện Bảo Lâm, tỉnh Cao Bằng. | TNU Journal of Science and Technology 228 09 29 - 36 CHOOSE OF SOWING TIME FOR KHAU XIEN PAN PURPLE STICKY RICE IN BAO LAM DISTRICT CAO BANG PROVINCE Ha Thi Hoa Nguyen Van Tam Tran Thi Ngoc Agriculture and Forestry Research amp Development Center for Mountainous Region ADC - University of Agriculture and Forestry - Thai Nguyen University ARTICLE INFO ABSTRACT Received 08 12 2022 Khau Xien Pan Purple sticky rice is a specialty glutinous rice variety of Bao Lam district Cao Bang province. In order to improve productivity Revised 16 5 2023 and economic efficiency and contribute to the expansion of this rice Published 16 5 2023 variety we conducted an experiment with 03 sowing transplanting times. CT1 Sowing on May 19 2022 transplanting when the seedling is 40 KEYWORDS days old CT2 Sowing on May 29 2022 transplanting when the seedling is 30 days old CT3 Sowing on 04 06 2022 transplanted when Purele sticky rice the seedling is 25 days old. The experiment was laid out in a complete Efficiency randomized block design with 3 replicates. The results showed that the Sowing time growth time decreased gradually at the late sowing time tillering ability is not high in all sowing transplanting times. Plant height percentage of Productivity firm seeds and 1000-seed weight were not clearly affected by Bao Lam district sowing transplanting times. Effective branching and effective tillering rate effective number of panicles m2 number of firm seeds head theoretical yield and actual yield in the CT2 time frame were significantly highest compared with the 2 time frames CT1 and CT3. The CT2 seasonality frame has the same pest and disease resistance as the CT1 time frame and is better than the CT3 cropping time frame. The best time frame with Khau Xien Pan Purple sticky rice is CT2 Sowing on May 29 2022 transplanting at 30 days old the yielded tons ha. LỰA CHỌN THỜI VỤ CHO GIỐNG LÚA NẾP CẨM KHẨU XIÊN PĂN TẠI HUYỆN BẢO LÂM TỈNH CAO BẰNG Hà Thị Hòa Nguyễn Văn Tâm Trần Thị Ngọc Trung