tailieunhanh - Kết quả trồng thử nghiệm giống lê mới VH6 tại tỉnh Bắc Kạn

Bài viết "Kết quả trồng thử nghiệm giống lê mới VH6 tại tỉnh Bắc Kạn" nghiên cứu điều kiện lập địa trồng thử nghiệm cây lê VH6; khả năng sinh trưởng của cây lê VH6; chu kỳ sinh trưởng hàng năm của cây lê VH6; . | TNU Journal of Science and Technology 228 09 400 - 406 TRIAL CULTIVATION RESULTS OF NEW PEAR VARIETY VH6 IN BAC KAN PROVINCE Tran Dinh Ha Ha Duy Truong TNU University of Agriculture and Forestry ARTICLE INFO ABSTRACT Received 22 5 2023 Bac Kan province has a favorable natural condition for the development of some temperate fruit trees such as pear in highland areas. However pear Revised 19 6 2023 production is still small scale and mainly used local pear variety so the Published 19 6 2023 quality is limited. The project of trial planting pear variety VH6 at typical locations of 3 highland districts Ba Be Ngan Son Pac Nam Bac Kan province with altitudes of 540 - 740 m above sea level was KEYWORDS implemented from June 2017. Preliminary results show that VH6 pear Bac Kan variety was well adapted to local conditions. Although planting in the Summer June 2027 in unfavorable weather but after 3 and 4 years of Quality planting the trees had grown quite well with few pests and diseases and Pear variety VH6 began to produce the first fruit season after the 3 year planting. After 4 Yield years planted fruits were harvested from the end of July at the rate of fruiting trees each tree bear fruits fruit weight g fruit Development yield kg fruit tree. Fruit performed good quality Spherical slightly Growth flattened shape green color skin High edible rate . The flesh of Adaptation the fruit was white with little or no darkening after peeling and opening the fruit The fruit was succulent soft flesh sweet and cool without acrid taste. Dry matter ratio Sweetness brix degree vitamin C content mg 100g tannin content and acidity with acid content . This result shows that pear variety VH6 is a high potential to develop and expand production in Bac Kan province. KẾT QUẢ TRỒNG THỬ NGHIỆM GIỐNG LÊ MỚI VH6 TẠI TỈNH BẮC KẠN Trần Đình Hà Hà Duy Trường Trường Đại học Nông Lâm ĐH Thái Nguyên THÔNG TIN BÀI BÁO TÓM TẮT Ngày nhận bài 22