tailieunhanh - Sổ tay của các mạng không dây và điện toán di động P21

Mobile ad hoc networks consist of wireless hosts that communicate with each other in the absence of a fixed infrastructure. Some examples of the possible uses of ad hoc networking include soldiers on the battlefield, emergency disaster relief personnel, and networks of laptops. Sensor networks are a similar kind of network that have recently been investigated. Nodes in a sensor network are lighter, computationally less powerful, and more likely to be static compared to nodes in an ad hoc network | Handbook of Wireless Networks and Mobile Computing Edited by Ivan Stojmenovic Copyright 2002 John Wiley Sons Inc. ISBNs 0-471-41902-8 Paper 0-471-22456-1 Electronic CHAPTER 21 Location Updates for Efficient Routing in Ad Hoc Networks IVAN STOJMENOVIC DISCA IIMAS UNAM Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico Mobile ad hoc networks consist of wireless hosts that communicate with each other in the absxnceofafixodinfrastructure. Some examples of the possible uses of ad hoc network-ingincludesoldiers onthebatttefield emergencydisaster relief personnel and networks of laptops. Sensor networks are a similar kind of network that have recently been investigated. Nodes in a sensor network are lighter computationally less powerfiil and more likely to be static compared to nodes in an ad hoc network. Hundreds or thousands of such nodes may be placed to monitor and control a physical environment from possibly remote switch their activity status to preserve battery power which poses additional challenges for the design of efficient data collection algorithms. Adkor andsensor eroc onfiguration networking is aleo inquio r far admmirtraiionirimaraclicalor im-Vossiblg nzchashomeocrmaee afflgn ooranguddedrysieme gSuggrC SugelWur ias rc an ciilomobiiehoriitrallowing crr lai i cSisr rweeetleeder icerot dika em ana fram 50 . hidiisduaiteriivocoariekisdieiwtmgtatkmvvfick a menoarr in toavsuntfroma cgopbgd i p se toss the transmisrion daZiicea ri tv - .miield tiovertnaneanoekmay cvnsistoVhopskdrooldhnther Oostr msmtktnmgrgbeer inlrk rgewcts lsnoea iatstdrebpsdmobiiiiy causea ZeguekO unarr diciabiet aoi gieal daoki . S ae s i5 ige- 0-10 100 tavtiens 01enoileebecome iemv rfolr iapctive t neitnsaditObrad ciadiengt -borroutinv protocols. Mackeraad SCoroa VS .