tailieunhanh - Sổ tay của các mạng không dây và điện toán di động P17

The maturity of wireless transmissions and the popularity of portable computing devices have made the dream of “communication anytime and anywhere” possible. Users can move around, while at the same time still remaining connected with the rest of the world. | Handbook of Wireless Networks and Mobile Computing Edited by Ivan Stojmenovic Copyright 2002 John Wiley Sons Inc. ISBNs 0-471-41902-8 Paper 0-471-22456-1 Electronic CHAPTER 17 Mobile Ad Hoc Networks and Routing Protocols YU-CHEE TSENG Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering National Chiao-Tung University Hsin-Chu Taiwan WEN-HUA LIAO Departmentof CnmputerScience and Information EngineeringNational Central University Tao-Yuan Taiwan Roumtn Department of Electrical Engineering Chang Gung University Tao-Yuan Taiwan ATA INTRODUCTION TUeiriatarity ofwirelessuansmissiopsandidepopulariiy of portable coaiaatliig devices have roade the dream of communication anytime and anywhere possible. Users can mo e around while at the same time still remaining connected with the rest of the world. WeealllOfdmoUCle comoutinrariiomadic liiieraeeiveoi intensive attention recently 2 11 24 33 Generally most of the nomadic computing applications today require single hop connectivity to the wired network. This is the typical cellular network model that supports the needs of wireless communications by installing base stations or access points. Insuch networks. communications between two mobile hosts completely rely on the wired backbone and the fixed base stations. Nevertheless the wiredbackboneinfrastructuremaybeunavailableforusebymobile hosts lor m auc reasons such os rinaxpecfad naturel diasslari tul radio shadows. Also ii mightbemfeacihleho coaciraclxaklcieat fiaadac cysrpoaitrdimlocutt aad fertontence coniideratioes fotihsteata Jyi migkxasCnhSveoin dccsisaet ocJata-velgrormds or outdool assc lllbliea. oakl orecliviiles iis taietiainrarohiailtveilaeaier-gencytamchluud-chscueor toiilitaryriia ccnecat t remuoracycemcmutication nelwotk miso rassit Cebe dtpivyed unaicdiataiy. Inihaaaove rihinrrooc t al biieakle raalw ork OrANt Tt 1 k Icaiibuabatter 11011x1 A MANETconsiata obeselnS inoUilelioslcopariVaig without the aid of the .