tailieunhanh - Sổ tay của các mạng không dây và điện toán di động P7

Currently, users identify wireless networks with first- and second-generation cellular telephony networks. Although voice and short messaging have driven the success of these networks so far, data and more sophisticated applications are emerging as the future driving forces for the extensive deployment of new wireless technologies. In this chapter, we will consider future wireless technologies that will provide support to different types of traffic including legacy voice applications, Internet data traffic, and sophisticated multimedia applications. | Handbook of Wireless Networks and Mobile Computing Edited by Ivan Stojmenovic Copyright 2002 John Wiley Sons Inc. ISBNs 0-471-41902-8 Paper 0-471-22456-1 Electronic CHAPTER Traffic Integration in Personal Local and Geographical Wireless Networks RAFFAELE BRUNO MARCO CONTI and ENRICOGREGORI CNR Istituto CNUCE Pisa Italy INTRODUCTION Currently users identify wireless networks with first- and second-generation cellular telephony voice andshort messaginghave tfriven the success of these networkssolar. dataand moresophisticated applications are emerging as the future driving forces for the extensive deployment of new wireless technologies. In this chapter we will consider future wireless technologies that will provide support to different types of traffic including legacy voice applications Internet data traffic and sophisticated multimedia applications. hi thenearluture. wireless technologies will span from broadband wide-area technologies such as satellite-based networks and cellular networks to local and personal area networks. Inthis chapter foreach classofnetwork wewillpresentthe eiueigingvvireless technohogies lor supporting scrviceintsgration. Outoveiocew trbltsattbyisralyzlngtee BSuetootSs tecSmologyS3 0thnSts thedefcstostmdionlOorwfrenettpersonan raoa nsewoi ht t bASts i nVi Betwootsthat seimectOntfces eheced litp e o circle with radius of 10 tnoo traedaBls stostfet- wtralesslecaC orpaBntworko iCVI-BeicSrllt-eti. 0 1 an niposLAN gy bn tltiacluipterwe cCrnoSogy etc Vic Ct o ok CSeauore Cto osoilbVIeon the market. After a brief description of the IEEE 802. S nrrhltertutetWf winfocBSoetiip m sms rOathaoceecnsfccit iretiy tb cyaned tosBpportdblay-tbBpftivoV effic. foi-wif dcsc ic tpg cf e tsbiii f fm ue oe the ipshnol gyifvThitd-gpep Vilon mbp-lo radio nesworkr. Two thmbtrdsf ppmpsgiBgwvridwide itso this technology OPv Unitpioal MbP-leTplscommvntoativnSysbpm UMTetof SheEmopeooTesgcommBiirei .