tailieunhanh - Sổ tay của các mạng không dây và điện toán di động P6

The rapid technological advances and innovations of the past few decades have pushed wireless communication from concept to reality. Advances in chip design have dramatically reduced the size and energy requirements of wireless devices, increasing their portability and convenience. These advances and innovations, combined with the freedom of movement, are among the driving forces behind the vast popularity of wireless communication. | Handbook of Wireless Networks and Mobile Computing Edited by Ivan Stojmenovic Copyright 2002 John Wiley Sons Inc. ISBNs 0-471-41902-8 Paper 0-471-22456-1 Electronic CHAPTER 6 Wireless Media Access Control ANDREW D. MYERS andSTE FANO BASAGNI Department of Computer Science University of Texas at Dallas INTRODUCTION The rapid technological advances and innovations of the past few decades have pushed wireless c ommwtiication framconcepttoreality. Advances in chip design have dramatical-lyfeduced the ttzeandenedgn fcdoirements onwirelnssAevices increasing their portability and convenience. These advances and innovations combined with the freedom of movement are among the driving forces behind the vast popularity of wireless communication. This situation is unlikely to change especially when one considers the crurent push toward wireless broadband access to the Internet and multimedia content. Withprefctions ofnear exponential growth in the number of wireless subscribers in the coming decades pressure is mounting on government regulatory agencies to free up Tiehf epecisomto satistythegrovving basdwiddi demands. This isespecially trueiodp regard iotheneet yeoeratioh systemt buUimi i i dtn atn tdC hiph-spstd dataacseesserviceSiGreentheslowreactioh timooS povernmem dureaucuacy oedthe high nets of lieenbiog. wirelest oescatotb are ts VtctOiy losced to make due with Ismiteh hnndwidbh r t oo cse The aimoftlic ohaptericto provsdethereaderwllh e com 0 000 x 0001101 Sthet leenU detaile oSthe pnoteooldthat olefine totdconfrol ac cerne tellce rvli etesocOennel. . wireless media ucce ttcntdbn Oa bMAC d0btocote .We sturt bydibhlightingthe dlttisgmtshmdchar-nuterioticbo twit elesssysiemo enh t0ei impo- tott Oieh ï itie andmoplemeetatlon ofdOAC eeptot e-leeimpecA f-Ps pa j ieel im S tle ns C edete Io MACpc the tetth SlAClecOmettes thctfobmeh6cerean motttCtACptotos ldestgns. le t ofamtC .