tailieunhanh - Ebook Sales and Promotions Management: Part 2

Ebook Sales and Promotions Management: Part 2 presents the following content: advertising strategy: fundamentals; advertising strategy: creative execution; managing other promotional tools; unconventional promotional media; .Please refer to the documentation for more details. | Sales and Promotions Management Gopika Juneja Lovely Professional University Notes Unit 8 Advertising Strategy Creative Execution CONTENTS Objectives Introduction Print Advertisement Television Commercial Radio Commercial Online Advertisements Summary Keywords Self Assessment Review Questions Further Readings Objectives After studying this unit you will be able to Discuss the execution of print advertisements and television commercial Describe execution of radio commercial and online advertisements Introduction The customers don t see the clever media plan or all the cool technology - they see the ads. Initial planning is important but it is nothing without a proper creative execution. So once the strategy is complete the focus now shifts to delivering outstanding creative execution. A brief for the project is developed and the designers copywriters public relations practitioners Web specialists and marketers work collaboratively on the creative concepts. In this unit we are going to study how the advertising strategy is executed in print broadcast and online media. Print Advertisement The key format elements in print advertising are headline subheads body copy slogans seals logos signatures visual elements and layout. Headline The headline contains the words in the leading position in the advertisement. These are the words that will be read first or are positioned with the intent to draw the readers most attention. The headlines are almost invariably set in larger dark type and generally set apart from body copy to make them prominent. The headline is considered as the most important part of a print ad by most advertising professionals. 140 LOVELY PROFESSIONAL UNIVERSITY Unit 8 Advertising Strategy Creative Execution The fundamental function of the headline is to attract the readers attention get them interested Notes and lead them in the entire ad message. One popular technique to capture the attention is to occupy the .