In general, it has been ascertained that the private sector and entrepreneurship have developed further in China than in Vietnam. This has to do primarily with political constellations and symbols and less with economic or cultural factors. | PART THREE THEORETICAL IMPLICATIONS AND CONCLUSIONS 1. Summary of the most important conclusions Group profile of the entrepreneurs In general it has been ascertained that the private sector and entrepreneurship have developed further in China than in Vietnam. This has to do primarily with political constellations and symbols and less with economic or cultural factors. There were differences not only i u Bycef of the eundt he political ideo . logical assessment and suppny. but yatlicr tfo m yespcet of the olisli ibutieii o. lines of business the size of firms their equipping with capital and the educational level of the entrepreneurs. . . . . Our interviews suggest that private entrepreneurs in China despite all problems were more satisfied with the economic apd pe litb i il rhuuiion than m Vietnam. In China declared themselves to be satisfied and more or less satisfied with the hiitsn in Vietnam conimsiiiigb. showed themselves to be unsatisfied nr somewhat nnsalisf ied. 51. more or loan satisfied and only satisfied. Wh-o eot eondrnac the most imporlimt results nf oar surveys and interviews wn con note I ff l oh -Ot rigoifiesnr simtlaribiee hot o-eo considerable differences betwreo ttot two coniines tihich det omobetai bine idea of a unified developments hVht a hssenoittg iho tesoll. iio e er. s must be ttbnii into account that significetr dihOsrenfe t eoirteO borwsen bhe regions as well as between urban and rural aiese. Aod in Viesttm ninjoe e israUont were os be seen in the response behaeior bot ton Noied mid Somih Vielnani. in Wnc0 the different socialization procoarrs were ennocssed who-eas the onsweso tn China in comparison may be chaeao i ii eil as hahitniy more ho The following points represtnt the core oulcomet of our retoaoah woto 1 Privatization a spontaneooe nhn-2tr etegio peoctse Ohan orihigated in ruetl areas. In both countries the privntizat-og ret in at a raenlt tncoue process wliote olhrt-ing points were rural areoo anol .