tailieunhanh - Oracle Unleashed- P24

Oracle Unleashed- P24: When I first started using Oracle many years ago, it was possible to know the database and the tools available. With the rash of recent releases of different options for the database and the spate of new tools, only people who wear their underpants over their trousers will be able to know everything there is to know about the Oracle products. | expression Can be any valid Oracle Basic variable or expression. The return value is of the Long data type. You use the CSNG function to convert a string or expression into a value of data type Single. CSNG expression expression Can be any valid Oracle Basic variable or expression. The return value is of the Single data type. You use the CSTR function to convert a string or expression into a value of data type String. CSTR expression expression Can be any valid Oracle Basic variable or expression. The return value is of the String data type. You use the CVDATE function to convert a string or expression into a value of data type Date. CVDATE expression expression Can be any valid Oracle Basic variable or expression. The return value is of the Date data type. You use the FIX function to convert a numeric expression into an integer by truncating its fractional part. FIX expression expression Can be any valid Oracle Basic variable or expression. The return value is of the Integer data type. You use the INT function to convert a numeric expression into an integer by rounding to the nearest value. The rounding operation uses the absolute value of the expression to perform the round operation and then reapplies the sign of the original expression to the rounded value. INT expression expression Can be any valid Oracle Basic variable or expression. The return value is of the Integer data type. You use the STR function to convert a number or numeric expression into a value of data type String. STR provides a leading space for positive numbers. STR expression expression Can be any valid Oracle Basic variable or expression. The return value is of the String data type. Date Functions You use the DATE function to return the current system date of your operating system as a String data type. No arguments are required. DATE The return value is of the String data type. You use the DATEADD function to return a time or date value as the result of adding any number of time intervals .