tailieunhanh - A complete English language course part 26

Dialogue 2 Gillian finds Lauren in the canteen at work and sits down next to her. LAUREN: GILLIAN: LAUREN: GILLIAN: LAUREN: GILLIAN: LAUREN: GILLIAN: LAUREN: GILLIAN: Hello, Gillian. Aren’t you having lunch? No – I just wanted to ask: have you seen James today? No, I don’t think so. Why? I need to talk to him quite urgently about something. If you see him, will you tell him to phone me? I’ll certainly tell him if I see him. But listen . . . why don’t you phone him yourself on his mobile? If I knew his mobile number, I would | 233 Dialogue 2 Q Gillian finds Lauren in the canteen at work and sits down next to her. Lauren Hello Gillian. Aren t you having lunch Gillian No - I just wanted to ask have you seen James today Lauren No I don t think so. Why Gillian I need to talk to him quite urgently about something. If you see him will you tell him to phone me Lauren I ll certainly tell him if I see him. But listen . why don t you phone him yourself on his mobile Gillian If I knew his mobile number I would. Lauren Ah. thinks for a moment . Wait a minute What about his friends Gillian What about them Lauren Well - if you phoned one of James s friends perhaps they could tell you his mobile number. Gillian Great idea Good thinking Lauren - I knew I d get everything sorted if I sat next to you Idiom I d get everything sorted means I d solve all my problems get something sorted or sorted out can also mean put right put in order or arrange. More examples Have you got the dishwasher sorted out Have you fixed the problem with the dishwasher This room is chaos - how are we going to get it sorted This room is chaos - how are we going get it organised We ll need to get the tickets sorted by the weekend We ll need to have booked the tickets by the weekend Language point 82 - C2 conditionals The verb pattern for C2 conditionals is if-clause past simple - main clause would d base-form 234 You might like to review the past simple in Unit 9 - remember that many common verbs the strong verbs have irregular past simples that have to be learnt. Let s remind ourselves of C1 and C2 C1 If I see Amy I ll tell her C2 If I saw Amy I d tell her Remember that the first example is talking about an event that is possible in the future while the second one is talking about an event that the speaker doesn t expect to happen. So in Dialogue 2 Gillian says to Lauren If you see him . because she thinks that is a possibility but she says If I knew his mobile number because she doesn t know the number. Here are some more examples