tailieunhanh - A complete English language course part 9

You will see that sometimes phonetic symbols have been used to help you with pronunciation in this book. This is because English spelling (like French and Danish, and unlike German and Russian) is a historic rather than a phonetic system, which means that it does not always correspond very well to pronunciation. | 5 What shall we do today In this unit you will learn how to make suggestions to do things accept and decline suggestions discuss plans ask about and talk about likes and dislikes offer people things choose between things Dialogue 1 Q Andrew and Kim are wondering what to do. Andrew What shall we do this evening Kim How about going out Andrew Good idea. Where shall we go Kim We could go down the pub and have a drink or we could go to the cinema. Andrew Which would you prefer Kim I don t mind really. Andrew Well let s go to the pub then shall we Kim OK Dialogue 2 Meanwhile Sarah and John are having a similar discussion but they re hungry Sarah Shall we eat in or go out for a meal John I don t know - I can t decide. 65 Sarah Why don t we go to the Trattoria - the food s nice there. John No I don t really feel like Italian food tonight. Sarah How about trying the new Chinese restaurant in the High Street then John OK I ll get my shoes on. Sarah And you d better get your wallet as well - you re paying Dialogue 3 Mike and Sandra have got some friends from Belgium Koen and Kim staying with them. Mike What shall we do with Koen and Kim this evening Sandra How about eating out Mike Yes. Or we could eat in and then take them out for a drink. Sandra I don t feel up to cooking tonight. Why don t we go around some of the pubs in town then we can end up at the Indian for a late dinner Mike Great idea. They can try out Indian food and we can get a taxi back home. Sandra I ll go and ask them what they think. Dialogue 4 Andy phones Bob whose wife Nina is Danish with a suggestion. Andy Are you free tonight Bob Bob Why - what did you have in mind Andy There s a Danish film on at the Arts Cinema. Bob Really Andy Yes - I thought Nina might like to come along. Bob Sounds like a great idea but I ll check with her first. Hang on a moment . Bob goes off for a minute then comes back Hello Andy Andy Yes. Bob That s fine. When does the film start Andy Eight. Shall we meet up at in the .